As a foundation member of the Asylum Mental Health Network, we offer a depression and bipolar chat forum featuring a chat room and information on depression, depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, manic depression, and treatments for mania and depression. We created Mixed Nuts as a haven for people who suffer from depression and need to be with others who understand the problems associated with depression. Depression can be devastating effecting your life, your job and the lives of others around you.

Mixed Nuts is a different type of depression forum. Use our depression chat and find information on depressive disorders, including all types of bipolar disorders, and treatments. Look up suicide crisis phone numbers in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA as well as other places worldwide. Join us and break out of the cycle of loneliness and isolation this disorder can bring. Come to the chat room and smile a little, it won't hurt.

Read about bipolar disorder, chat with us in the #mixednuts chat room. If you are suicidal and in a crisis please use our suicide crisis section to find emergency and crisis intervention phone numbers in your area. We take a humorous self help approach to dealing with our problems. Join us and break out of your shell of isolation and loneliness. A large dose of silliness can help cure what ails us. We try to offer a less depressing type of chat experience. Try it, you might like it.

Everybody gets depressed sometimes from such things as, loss of employment, serious illness, or death in the family or of a friend . Many of life's dilemmas can cause you to feel sad, lonely, or down. It's normal to feel down sometimes for no reason. Being down and sadness are a normal reaction to stressful events.

If these feelings of being down or the sadness persist over a long period of time you may have a mood disorder. You should seek professional help and try and determine what the problem might be. Be sure and seek out a well trained medical health professional that is easy to talk to and you feel comfortable talking with.